Wednesday, November 17, 2010

From the mouth of Babes....

This evening I had dinner with the family. My mom, step dad, sister, nephew, brother, sister in law and niece.
We talked and laughed. Made fun of how fast my niece talks and how much she reminds my parents of me.
My brother and his wife took her on a trip last year four wheeling through the mountains. They were talking about how fun it was and how Sherry, my sister in law kept running into trees. How fun it was going through mud puddle after mud puddle and then my niece, Morgan starting talking about the one time she flipped her bike completely over. Describing how a stupid mistake made her go flying off the bike and she knew she shouldn't have looked behind her.
She then said, "Leesa, just remember: When you are going forward, don't look back!"

I realized that I should take that advice. Not only if I am ever on a 4 wheeler bike ever again, but in life.
I have been hesitating about moving from Orlando.
Kind of afraid of starting over. Nervous that I wont like it. Nervous that it won't be what I want it to be. But its exciting as well.
An adventure I have to take. Right now I am sat idling in Orlando. Not really doing anything different from what I was doing when I moved here 10 years ago.
I love my friends. I love my work. But I want to go forward. I want to see what's on the road ahead of me.
I need to stop looking back or I may flip and land on my ass.

Going forward? Don't look back.
Wise words Morgan.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Trees

i have lived in Florida for the past 13 years. Before then, I was a Buckeye!!!

I do recall living in Ohio, that fall was one of my favorite seasons. Florida fall.....well..... it doesnt exsist. Sure there are a few leaves that change. Halloween, one of my top favorite holidays, is still celebrated. There is a pie festival and fall music concerts at schools and pumpkins grown for carving and eating.

BUT.... there is no need to rake leaves. No need to wear the first layer of warm sweaters. The apple cider smell coming from the kitchen is from a yankee candle and not the stove.

Driving thru the mid west this past week. I SAW fall!!! The fall I remember. Red, Orange, Brown, Yellow, Green. Fall was all around me as I drove thru North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Fall as a kid was fantastic. We all hated when our chore for the weekend was to rake the fallen leaves. My brother and sister and I would hate to do it. We didnt have a huge front yard, but the back yard was at least half a football field. Well maybe not, but i remember it being that big. Once the leaves were raked into a HUGE pile in the front yard, we would dive off the porch into them. Flying off the steps, we would just hope to not land on a random stick or sharp stem. Landing in the pile of leaves, being covered by them and the dirt that came with them was the best feeling ever.

So... Florida friends... lets find a big pile of leaves to rake up and jump in! it will be the best fall memory you ever have!